They say the best things in life happen when you least expect them. I agree with that but feel that they also happen at the time when you most need them to happen...
Goddess Suzanne seemed at first look to me like an aristocratic princess and her elegance and beauty struck me like a thunderbolt. I was going through a normal boring day surfing on the Internet some videos and websites of what was my new discovery: Financial Domination. I came across many women who were least impressive and dared to call themselves, goddesses. It was vey funny to see many of them be loud and proclaim beauty and intelligence but not create any impact. That was until I came across, Goddess Suzanne.
I was in a daze once I looked in to those blue eyes, attractive like an ocean. Her brown silky hair were an absolute turn on and say what of those luscious lips. These were the more tangible points of the fatal attraction that I felt for the Goddess but what indeed made me want to submit to her were her words of wisdom and the grace and aura of a supernatural human being.
Many days had gone by before I realized that I have spent them all on looking through the goddess’s website and going through her writings apart from the clip store and the personal blog. I woke up in the middle of the night in a shudder when I tried once feebly not give in to the temptation of this charming princess. I knew I had no way out and believed that there was no reason to not submit to the one who I searched for all life.
I decided to write to my goddess and it took many hours to put in to words all the feelings I wanted to explain. The Goddess had to know that there was a slave in another corner of the world waiting in submission for her. I let her know that what impressed me most was the fact the she knows, I’ll stop being a loser the moment I decide to start serving her. This was the most remarkable thing about the Goddess. She, unlike the pseudo-mistresses on the web, knew that she was deserving of worship and that she would make even the life of a slave worthwhile.
The Goddess decided to be generous and sent this slave a reply encouraging the worship and submission to her highness. Unlike many others, who would treat the slave with no respect and dignity, this goddess had kind and helpful words for a budding slave and expressed that she would allow the devotion to grow.
Obedience is the feeling I have most often these days. I feel complete submission for the Goddess. And there is a joy that is tough to explain. It can’t be put in words. It’s the feeling you have when you know your life has a purpose. I find it very easy to avoid all the negative things in life like smoking, drinking, spending thriftily and doing unnecessary things. I feel happy to go to work or school because there is a beautiful and tempting purpose behind working hard.
I have decided to write this blog because I want all to know what I feel for Goddess Suzanne. My Goddess Suzanne. I say that for a reason and the reason is that the goddess signed her last mail to me such. She just said “Your Goddess Suzanne”. That’s a wonderful feeling for a new slave, the best encouragement that you can get to devote yourself in to building a relationship that the world might fail to understand. It might seem strange to them to worship human beings. Perhaps they can never see the difference between a Goddess and a woman. All women do not deserve worship but one like Goddess Suzanne does. I decided to be her slave forever and spend the rest of my life serving her and obeying her. There is much to gain by following her commandments and so much joy in sacrifice.
I think it was when she wrote to me the second time that I decided to be her faithful puppy forever. I think it was more when she said “Your Goddess Suzanne” that I dedicated my life to her. Yes, I think it was that moment when I decided to travel virtually, and may be someday literally, to the “Queendom of the Goddess Suzanne”.
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